Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chick-fil-a Fundraiser

Hey Crew,
We have a Chick-fil-a fundraiser on the 30th and there is an email that has all the information. Thanks to Madeleine for arranging this for us. 
Mackenzie Heldstab
(Historian, Crew 448)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Next Crew Event

Hey Crew, 
Our next event is a meeting this Sunday, January 19 at St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church at 2:30. We are inducting our officers so those people will need to be in their Class A's. The address for the Church is 4800 Convict Hill Rd. I hope to see everyone there. 

Mackenzie Heldstab
(Historian, Crew 448

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Way to Rock Crew 448

Hey Crew,
We had a great turn out for the lock-in last night at the Austin Rock Gym. Chelsea, John Michael, Star, Kate, Liz, and myself were able to make it and it was a lot of fun with some great learning involved. John Michael did the Mountaineering elective for his Ranger Award and the rest of us climed and bouldered. Thanks to Mrs. Davis and Mr. Heldstab for supervising the event. 

Mackenzie Heldstab
(Historian, Crew 448)

See all the photos here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our first crew event of 2014

Hello Crew, on Friday, January 10 starting at 10 pm, we have the chance to go to a lock-in at the Austin Rock Gym. This will end at 6 am on Saturday morning and is sure to be a blast. Mr. and Mrs. Heldstab will be going as advisors And there is even a chance to do the Mountaineering elective for the Ranger Award.

Hope to see everyone there, 
Mackenzie Heldstab 
(Historian, Crew 448)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year Crew 448

As we kick off 2014 with our first meeting of the year, I'd like to give information about what the crew did during Christmas break. 3 members of our crew and 1 advisor went out to Green Dickson to participate in NYLT. Chelsea, Alex, and Mr. Heldstab were staff members and I myself went through as a participants. 10 members of the crew went out to Sipapu ski lodge in New Mexico. Both adventures went very successfully and I will be posting pictures of these trips very soon. 

Mackenzie Heldstab 
Historian, Crew 448